Motion trace combinations

Code Actionscript 2.0

this code is only available as Actionscript 3.0

Code Actionscript 3.0

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrame); var myBitmapData ; initScreenshot() ; square.y = 30; square.x = 30; square.alpha = 0; square.rotation=0; function enterFrame(event:Event) { square.y = square.y + 2; square.x = square.x + 4; square.alpha = square.alpha + 0.004; square.rotation= square.rotation-4; drawScreenshot(); } function initScreenshot() { myBitmapData = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight); var drawing:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(myBitmapData); drawing.addChild(bitmap); this.addChild(drawing); } function drawScreenshot() { myBitmapData.draw(stage); }


This script is drawing a trace of the movement "combinations" by taking a screenshot, and placing it as a bitmap-image onto the drawingboard.

related to: Combinations


Right click: Flashfile AS 2.0 | Flashfile AS 3.0 | SWF-File
